Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Data Analysis Work Sheet, and Blog Entry

Today in class we met in the computer lab to go over some review of statical analysis. We reviewed over the mean, median and mode and rediscovered how to find them using Excel.

Scenario 1 was a good help to look at how to use excel. I haven't done excel work since stats last fall and it really refreshed my memory. After class i went home and dug out my stats notebook to go over my notes in my hand writing to really remember how these things work. The class period was good working together with my peers helping each other out is always the way to go. There were things I also had to ask from people and trying to figure out how to use the error bars was also a little bit challenging.

1) Did going in for help effect scores?
2) If papers are reviewed by Becca prior to turning them in then the scores will be higher.
3) Going in for help will not affect the grade of the paper.

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances

  Variable 1 Variable 2
Mean 86.533333 68.8
Variance 162.8381 277.7333
Observations 15 10
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 16
t Stat 2.8532018
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.0057522
t Critical one-tail 1.7458837
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.0115045
t Critical two-tail

P-Value is .0058
The hypothesis should be rejected.
But we did not take into account the type of students
that go in for help. Those whom usually go in more
often for help tend to get a higher grade on their final


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