Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thursday, October 5, 2010

Talks began with Copernicus and his idea of a heliocentric solar system.

It then lead into talks of forming a scientific paper. We looked at the chicken document to show us the format of a paper written in that style.

Formating scientific Paper

  • Abstract - short and sweet so that people can see what you have written to decide if they want to read on
  • Last paragraph of the introduction must be the most important. Should outline the hypothesis
  • IMRD
  • Acknowledgments are there to thank people that have helped you
The building of the cube exercise really helped invoke creative thinking on our group. We successfully completed the mystery cube that was given to us BESIDES the shading on that mystery side, which we missed. The one we built though was pretty awesome, had countries and capitals some multiplication it was just all out fun.

-Ali Mainayar

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