Thursday, November 4, 2010

Class Nov 1st.

Learning Goals (Prof's Labbook)

  • read and write scientific papers.
    • We all read the introduction sections of our three papers. We focused on pin pointing what a good introduction paragraph has. What ideas what concepts and how we are goin to mold ours to that. It helped to see how the scientists did their introductions, it gives you a real feel of how you want to do your own.
  • examine and participate in the steps of observation-driven investigations, including crafting scientific questions and hypotheses, designing experiments, collecting and analyzing data, interpreting and presenting results.

  • document your scientific experiences in a lab notebook.
    • We spent a lot of time going over how we are shaping our new format on how our lab note books are going to be graded as well as how they are written. I do kinda like this new documentation by learning goals it helps remember what we did in class and what we "learned" vs on just listing what we have done each day.
  • conduct research collaboratively, participating in peer review.
    • We worked in groups and started talking about what types of questions we could ask our other section members for the monday and wed class. We also go together and thought about what we did in previous classes and tried to categorize that under our learning objectives. It was fun to try and call out other students and try to knock off what they thought counted in the learning spot.
  • locate and review scientific literature related to a specific question.
    • The review of our scientific material helped us understand the introduction section. Reading probably a little bit halfway through the second paper you could really see what an introduction really was composed of.

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