Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nov 12, 2010

Learning Objectives

  • read and write scientific papers.
    • We spent a good amount of time int he lirbary looking up articles for our inclass work. Using eric was very helpful to see how a different search engine works for one that is used for "science" articles.
  • examine and participate in the steps of observation-driven investigations,including crafting scientific questions and hypotheses, designing experiments, collecting and analyzing data, interpreting and presenting results.
    • we created our hypothesis and research question and voted on it. i wish ours was picked i feel like it was more interesting then the rest. basically all the rest were exactly the same question just reworded. but ill live.
  • document your scientific experiences in a lab notebook.
    • we always document everything we do/learn in our lab notebooks.
  • conduct research collaboratively, participating in peer review.
    • When we got together with our groups it was cool to see (even though we were looking for the same articles) how different the articles we found were. its good to see that different people think differently and think of different things to search for. 
  • locate and review scientific literature related to a specific question.
    • this whole class period was basically based off looking for literature using a new databse and again searching different terms looking how to manipulate the search so you can pinpoint what you want to look at.

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