Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nov 16, 2010

Learning Objectives

  • read and write scientific papers.
    • we read a lot of the dicussion sections. actually we read three of them and scored them so we can help guide ours and how they will be graded. we derived that we need to get a story going form paragrpah to paragph so they can be tied in correctly. organiation is also key to this paper. citations to. dont forget to site a class member ali!
    • also we did some work on materials and methods. what makes a good section? i think that in a good materials and methods why you did your experiment in that way. 
    • abstract - what i think it is. starts off by what youre doing and why. then how this will affect what ever. then results. then how it will help. BOOM BOOM BOOM. abstract.
  • examine and participate in the steps of observation-driven investigations,including crafting scientific questions and hypotheses, designing experiments, collecting and analyzing data, interpreting and presenting results.
    • we participated in class. in helping the abs and the m&m (methods and material) 
  • document your scientific experiences in a lab notebook.
    • we always docuemnt in our lab notebooks
  • conduct research collaboratively, participating in peer review.
    • we got together in groups butted heads on some papers and grading also for what goes in a good methods and materials section. also great to see how others view is a good and what goes in it. i personally thing they are incorrect and that mine is right. but hey we arent all perfect.
  • locate and review scientific literature related to a specific question.
    • well for the methods and what goes in a good methods section i did pull up on the laptop top some new articles. just jumped on the web of science and searched fox. just so i can pull up a methods and materials section.

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