Thursday, November 4, 2010

Letter to the Editor.


Dear Dr. Price,

I thank you for careful revisions and suggestion to my manuscript. I have revised the results section from the suggestions provided. I have taken each revision into careful consideration.

Responses to reviewer 1

·         I would start off by giving a small amount of detail about what was going instead of jumping in straight to the results.”

We agree with the reviewer on this point. During the writing process it was understood that the most effective way to represent the data was to dive into the numbers. Consideration is taken into account that small amount of detail about what is going on should be presented.

·         “Also in the graph figure you want to explain what is being represented by the bar (or plots), just so if somebody that was reading the paper and had no clue about what was going on they would be able to clearly understand what the graph means.

This comment about the graphic is being taking under consideration. The plots of points on the graphic were something that did not even cross our mind. The way we looked at it was that a bar was a better representation of the data. The explanation of the figure will also be more thorough in the next revision of the text.

·         “I know that in class you fixed it but you want to add the value of your standard error both in the paper and to the graph figure.  If your going to start by talking about the figure I would have it presented right after that paragraph so the reader can look at it while reading the paragraph the is talking about it”

This point has been addressed in a revision of the results section. The value of my standard error is now included within the graphic as well as the text. I will move the portion bout the graphic interpretation to after the graphic. If it helps to view the graphic then read about it, we are all for it. The initial layout was having the paragraph before the graphic which we thought would be beneficial. I understand now that this can be beneficial to the reader if it is presented before.

·         “Your going to want to explain you p-value in plain English, if you do this like you do when you explain the graph and what the axis are, you be in great shape.  Your results section is doing great, I think with adding in those small things, and maybe looking at the sample 2 (as it relates to yours) you will get a nice grade.  Ali you have done very well on this, nice job.”

I recently e-mailed messaged you in October about a manuscript entitled “Marginal Growth of Nucella lamellose”. The recommendation was made to submit this text to the Journal of Ecology for the special issue about how different facets of the environment can affect growth in intertidal species. My text will enhance this journal’s special edition.

I have carefully taken into account these revision notes and will be adjusting my manuscript to adhere to those notes. I really do believe this result section will be a good addition to the journal special issue about how different facets of the environment can affect  growth in intertidal species. This research directly corresponds with the topic.


Ali mainyar

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